Angry young man

No not Amitabh..i can only wish ..or for junior. Then again may be not.

My dull office life is perked up at times by work and others by people who work there, like the times i walk into the ladies restrooms to find some one weeping. It always amuses me to guess the reasons behind their distress.
My nearest neighbour is a gal, whom i caught shedding a couple of tears on her desk once. She and i are separated by a short glass partition between our desks. We get along well as in i look at my monitor, she hers and we smile at each other in case our eyes meet accidentally or i can ask her for change in case i desperately need change to pay the rickshaw guy. Which is all i hope for when someone is in ur peripheral vision all day

This peaceful balance has been disturbed by this new chap who has been working on her system this week. This guy is perpetually angry and is on the phone most of the time and in the throes of some serious argument. He speaks softly so i can't really make out the context of the argument but i am guessing he is arguing with his current/ex/soon to be ex lady love. I can feel the anger radiate from him and it is distracting and disturbing to be picking up so many negative vibes. Today his neighbour jokingly commented that he should really finish his conversations at home. i think that if he is going to be angry and arguing he should be loud enough so that i will at least have something to gossip about.