Glad Bangles

Friday's are probably the day that oddest things happen at the office. At least it has been so for the past few weeks. Maybe because its almost weekend people are holidaying already or since a casual dress code is allowed people are more relaxed. This mood is hardly affected by the presence of stern auditors whose sole purpose slam us with non-compliance. Note to self, become an auditor as you can point out mistakes all day and get paid for it.

Anyways weird things that happen today in sequence

  • Someone accidentally gives a print command to print 2000 pages
  • Promptly calls sys admin as he is not able to cancel the operation
  • Sysadmin restarts the printer twice - no effect
  • Sysadmin deleted task from printer server - no go
  • everyone standing around looking confused - guffaws
  • blogger forced to listen to ravings of colleague on the abundance of good looking women in office
  • blogger idle for an hour and at the end of it four people demanding help for different things at the same time
  • blogger forced to update document in ten minutes
  • blogger finishes only to be told that a different document had to be updated
  • blogger will take care of it on Monday [evil grin]
  • today is dry day [no smiles now]
  • It doesn't END , blogger walks into couple(?) holding hands and deeply engrossed in conversation. Yes in the office!!!
  • A cardboard box full of burgers and ketchup lying unattended in the break area. Smells fishy or perkish????

So will it be Aag or heyy Baby this weekend?

Bingo - Mad Angles (it is)

Imagine if someday you are told that you don't really belong to this world. That you are part of some forgotten civilization. Most literature suggests that one would rise to the occasion. I guess that if one doesn't then they wouldn't be part of literature. After all literature is rarely about the cowards. No one wants to be spending time writing about them. Life as it may seem is guided by what is right and what is wrong. I wonder if i could ever write a book say from the perspective of someone like wormtail (Refer Harry Potter). May be in an alternate universe where black is white and white is black, it might happen. I sometimes wonder if the good qualities in this dimension is pure evil in another. or is good ,good in every dimension. I wonder if perspective can truly inter-change the definition of right and wrong. So far my perspective shifts have only let me to empathise with the other side. But i can not say that it truly interchanges right and wrong.
just a few moments ago i wished that there was something which could just record my thoughts and i could sift through them when i wasn't trying to sleep. I don't know how that would work since i write impulsively. I only pause to think when i edit, which is rare enough to be unmentionable. Back to the point i have a few ideas that might be worthy of patents. Though a thought recorder is way ahead of technology as i know it now.
when we are younger simple addition overwhelmed us, as we got older they became to simple. With this analogy Would humans be reduced to the level of simple organisms once we decode the human mind. From one perspective it seems like a computer of sorts driven by rules which will be decoded either by the humans themselves or by their creations in due course. May be some authors have got it right when they say we are a primitive species. This could be because there is so much we don't know. But mostly because there is so much we know which will make out lives better, but we have so far universally failed to adopt them.
We all need hope. Which is why I guess most of literature is about heroes. May be i just need tor read more tragedy's. I have not really read a book where the protagonist isn't doing something noble or the other even if it is at the very end.
Everything has a purpose. But why is there a purpose? Why is there an end and what is it? why is there evolution? Why isn't everything just a vacuum? Why does the universe exist and why does intelligence exist which gives rise to these questions?
I may never find the answered to these questions for I do not think that i will earnestly seek the answers. My experience tells me that it will require a massive change in perspective, which my current experience tells me is difficult because an experience of this kind is beyond reach just yet.
I sometimes wonder about those who survive horrible ordeals brought upon by their fellow humans. When innocent people just get caught in the cross fire. DO they feel lucky having lived thru it, achieve a certain peace or seek vengeance?
I know that forgiveness can truly help us move on. but is it possible to ask people to forgive when one has no where close to a fraction of that experience. How does one live with horrible memories? When i read/ hear about the sufferings of others my heart truly falters. How can the massive sufferings brought on by wars never stop us from going into them over and over again.
May be i will think of a peacock now. It is so colourful and shiny, it adds rich colour to any picture. A much calmer subject to ponder upon i think.

Fundamentals of expression

Our constitution gives us a few fundamental rights. One of them is the Freedom of expression.
There is a fundamental misconception about this. Please find below the proper usage.

Thou shall (e)print in minute detail the tantrums, secrets, kinky habits of the glamorous.

Thou shall discuss the above mentioned in minute details about thy fellow neighbour

Thou shall not pass fundamentally (in)correct statements about people in power. If thou does it, then the consequences may result in mild cases lock down, riot and/or death.
Thou shall never express their opinion on disproportionate wealth, scandals, corruption, fanaticism about their leaders or on sex education as they do not condone the "modesty drive" and are anti-social.

Thou shall only express themselves when their expressions will affect not effect the vote bank for worse.

Random Observations

It is that time of the year when rains begin to cease and the dull wintry days begin to set. But this isn't about the upcoming dull days or the crazy rains. Its about the sweltering heat. It rains for a brief stint and then the air is thick with moisture and a momentary pause in breeze will drain every liquid you consumed in the last seven years. I prefer humidity but what on earth is this? Why God why?

My office system administrator fractured a couple of his fingers on friday and he is walking around with a big plaster. it looks weird since only two of his fingers are in a cast and the rest of his hand is in a pristine white gauze. Anyways poor bloke couldn't for some reason type in his password right with his left hand. He finally heroically managed to type in his password right with his right index finger which just managed to peep out the cast. I think he isn't going to be showing the finger for awhile.

On a dull friday

The caffeine kicks in and i look vaguely at my click click.... another day when the systems have crashed, the Admins are ducking from projectiles aimed at them as the system stubbornly refuses to work (may be its from Kerala or WB:)).... Whatever..productivity officially stops click click...may be my system is going to hang itself by the network cable and commit click click
in the loo there is a female, who at first glance I thought most guys would categorise as babe/hot(or whatever lingo deemed appropriate), is combing her hair. As I approach the basin to wash my hand a sudden stench engulfs me, my head reels and i resist my grimace. I wash my hand quickly and bolt out before i blurt out "For heaven's sake use some deodorant." or pass some comment on her broken comb.
back at my desk while my head recovers and my eyes re-adjust to my click click...CRASH...fifty pair of eyes focus to the cubicle behind me, we see a couple of people stand up and look down at the cubicle, a few seconds later a rather sheepish gentleman arises and attempting at nonchalance rolls something into the corner. Aah the rickety chairs in office have finally started to give away we look at each other smile and hope our chairs don't do the same to click click


Another normal Saturday morning dawned in Mumbai. It was a morning like most others with the exception of the one tall unsuspecting man who woke up at a time he usually goes to bed.

The airlines go about their usual business of taking off early, landing late and leaving behind little red bags at the departing airport. A sleepy eyed girl steps of the plane. blessed Friday nights when sleep evades, especially when one has a morbid paranoia for missing early morning flights. YAWN. Aah the bag hasn't reached. Hope it does with the shampoo bottle

Man and girl meet up and head off for breakfast where another man and his dad have almost finished the entire buffet. They have eaten enough to feed an entire army for 15 months. Yawn it is still too early in the morning. they head off to a coffee house as caffeine was definitely the order of the morning.

They head back to the airport and wait patiently, the flights are late as usual. This particular airline is notorious for it. So the girl stands on her toes to spot whom they where there to pick up. And finally she spots her mother when she comes out and stands five feet in front of her.
So they pick up the girls parents and get dropped off at their abode for the rest of the weekend.

Scene shifts. Its dusk in Mumbai now. Man's house, he and his parents await patiently for the girl and her parents to come. They finally come. Thus they met with smiles, formal talk and then ganging up and embarrassing the man and girl.

Scene Shifts. Lunch with a medley crowd. Lovely place where everyone is seated around a long table in the middle of the restaurant. So without fuss a tikka is applied on the man by the girls parents followed by everyone around the table. Then the man's parent's apply a tikka on the girl.
thus they where marked for good (by the mafia?)

The jokes about applying tikka for a bali ka bakra begin to die down. Reality sinks, by such a simple deed the deal is closed by all partied involved.
Yes, and so I've been marked for my man and he for me.