Random Observations

It is that time of the year when rains begin to cease and the dull wintry days begin to set. But this isn't about the upcoming dull days or the crazy rains. Its about the sweltering heat. It rains for a brief stint and then the air is thick with moisture and a momentary pause in breeze will drain every liquid you consumed in the last seven years. I prefer humidity but what on earth is this? Why God why?

My office system administrator fractured a couple of his fingers on friday and he is walking around with a big plaster. it looks weird since only two of his fingers are in a cast and the rest of his hand is in a pristine white gauze. Anyways poor bloke couldn't for some reason type in his password right with his left hand. He finally heroically managed to type in his password right with his right index finger which just managed to peep out the cast. I think he isn't going to be showing the finger for awhile.


  1. yea it's that time of the year when bloj doesn't really flow as it should