On a dull friday

The caffeine kicks in and i look vaguely at my monitor....click click click.... another day when the systems have crashed, the Admins are ducking from projectiles aimed at them as the system stubbornly refuses to work (may be its from Kerala or WB:)).... Whatever..productivity officially stops now.....click click click...may be my system is going to hang itself by the network cable and commit suicide....click click click
in the loo there is a female, who at first glance I thought most guys would categorise as babe/hot(or whatever lingo deemed appropriate), is combing her hair. As I approach the basin to wash my hand a sudden stench engulfs me, my head reels and i resist my grimace. I wash my hand quickly and bolt out before i blurt out "For heaven's sake use some deodorant." or pass some comment on her broken comb.
back at my desk while my head recovers and my eyes re-adjust to my monitor...click click click...CRASH...fifty pair of eyes focus to the cubicle behind me, we see a couple of people stand up and look down at the cubicle, a few seconds later a rather sheepish gentleman arises and attempting at nonchalance rolls something into the corner. Aah the rickety chairs in office have finally started to give away we look at each other smile and hope our chairs don't do the same to us.....click click click