
Love that lasts for ever, First love they say is the sweetest. Last night my heart was conquered again by my first love at Karim's.

Karim's is a restaurant open since 1913(?) and the forefathers of the family that owns the place used to be chef's in the Mughal Emperor's kitchen. Apparently butter chicken was invented here and the place has been mentioned in NGC.
We parked at CP and took a metro to chawdi bazaar. The station is the deepest that the Delhi metro has gone. Easy to believe since we had to go 4 floors up to reach the road. The stark contrast between the modern air conditioned metro station and the Old Delhi is the first thing that hit us. We took a rickety cycle rickshaw to Karim's. The ride took us along the boundaries of the Jamma Masjid. It is lovely to look at in the night. The places is pretty crowded even at 9:30 with traffic consisting of pedestrians and cycle rickshaws. The ambience makes you feel like you are in a different dimension.
We walked through a narrow alley to enter the world of Karim's.
Its not a formal dining place so you might end up sharing your table with a couple of other people. The waiter who served is the ultimate consultant. He decided how much, what we need to eat and in what sequence!!!! We deifinitely need to learn consulting skills from the guy and had a good time teasing the MBA's on taking pointers from him.

All the aroma's had triggered a massive appetite. But the waiter insisted on serving Raan first which has a 20 min wait and refused to serve us anything else. It was totally worth it. This was followed by sheek Kabab's where so soft and the chicken tandoori, just awesome. We had no space for the roti and shajahani chicken after that.

The Raan

One of the guys in our group managed to eat most of the Raan and only the bones was left when he was done. We bet that a goat is growing in his belly now.
To finish up our cullinary experience we had kheer. Which can not be missed, no matter how stuffed you are one has to absolutely eat this. It is thick kheer with broken rice which are chilled in small clay vessels, never tasted anything like it!!!

The Kheer

Karim's is a must place for all non-veg food lovers. There are a couple of options for the poor vegetarians who get mixed up with "masahaari's" too.
If you are there and confused about what to eat..just use the WC Inc (Waiter's Consulting Inc)
So yeah I love food.