Baby Boo Boo

Ooooooohh u cuuuuutee baby. Uuuuuuu aree choooo chhhhwwweeeeet

That about sums up the average reaction of an adult left with a baby for 1 minute.

I am not beyond this cooing myself. Though I honestly believed that's where i'd stop.

But fate and my ever sub- yet hyperactive -conscious proved me wrong. I was spending time with my one year old niece and her mum had dressed her up in a cute pair of pink long-johns. I had the strongest temptation to stick on a matching pair for bunny ears on her head. I also almost always spike up a baby's hair to give a punk baby look.

I wonder why adults dress babies up in clothes they wouldn't want to wear on any day except Halloween(may be). Just cause babies can't express their discontent on the subject and are unable to rip off the costumes themselves, should we really take advantage of that?

These pictures lay the groundwork for future embarassments. I mean we are still trying to hide our own baby snaps where we are wearing bunny hats and that photo every boy has when he was dressed as a girl.

I am glad that i only have to hide some albums and unlike my niece who is going to have to remove it from the hard drive and inbox of every one of my relatives.